Utkarsh Babbar

Love with your heart, and use your head for everything else!
~ Captain disillusion.

I am a Computer Science Undergraduate Student from Thapar University. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like Python, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS, Java, C++ and machine learning during my bachelors. I have 6 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in Python and Machine Learning. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

Moving on from software development, I always had a special spark for system management. I use to play with VPSs, trying to do all sorts of stuff, and thanks to this, at the same time I was studying I also got to help some gaming communities with their virtual infrastructures, mounting forums, deploying servers, and also managing them.

I enjoy watching movies, I'm a big fan of action, sci-fi, and fantasy films/series, I am a potterhead and marvelite. And about foods.. pizza, icecreams, momos and noodles, have a special place in my stomach :p


SDE intern

Amadeus Software Labs, Bangalore

Working as an intern at Amadeus labs, Bangalore.
Key responsibilities include:
• To write terraform scripts from scratch for managing and provisioning of Infrastructure as Code(IaC) .
• Configure and install Jenkins for Automating Deployments and providing an automation solution for different services being used by the company.
Relatively very new here so still learning a lot of cloud related stuff.

Feb 2022 - Present

Prism R&D intern

Samsung Research Institute, Bangalore

• Implemented and explored RNN based deep learning techniques for image captioning on Flickr dataset
• Explored how Image transformers could be utilized to make image captioning more relevant and accurate.
• Made an ensemble of latest transformer based pipelines and achieved a CIDEr score of 0.88

June. 2021 - November. 2021


Bachelor of Electronics and Computer Engineering

Thapar University, Patiala
CGPA: 8.61/10
2018 - 2022(present)

ISC Class 12th (PCM)

Doon Presidency School, Dehradun
Percentage: 86%

ICSE Class 10th (Science)

Doon Presidency School, Dehradun
Percentage: 90%


Aside from developing stuff, I also enjoy playing videogames, reading books, or random articles/stuff on the internet. I am a big fan of RPG games.

Farcry5, Assassin's Creed, GTA5, valorant are some of my favorites.

I like reading books, the latest book which I read is Atomic Habits and I also like to explore books on spirituality, recently read Autobiography of a Yogi.

I also enjoy going for a walk while listening to some music, it clears my mind, makes me feel refreshed, and allows me to focus on things more easily.

A picture of some barren lands on my city. A picture of one of the streets in my University


  • Won second prize out of 150+ participating teams in HackOWASP hackathon where we solved an ISRO’s problem statement.

  • NSTSE state rank 25, school rank 1.

  • Third rank in InterviewBit problem solving university ranking.

  • Solved 650+ questions on interviewbit and leetcode.

Tech stacks i tinker with.

Programming & Scripting languages:
Execution Environments, Frameworks and Libraries:
Operating Systems:
Currently learning in my freetime (Blockchain Stack):
If you want to validate my techstack, or know more about the stuff i know and do, you should check out my GitHub